Selasa, 30 April 2013

Tuga Softskill Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

  •     Job Advertisment
Iklan lowongan kerja oleh :
Nama / Perusahaan                  PT. AMANDA GUMULUNG SEJAHTERA
Kategori Loker                       Administrasi Accounting / Keuangan.
Alamat                                     : Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung No. 100, Lenteng Agung
Lokasi                                     DKI Jakarta
Syarat Pendidikan                    D3-S1
Gaji                                         : Negosiasi
Tipe Pekerjaan                         : Kontrak
Tanggal tayang                         : April 28, 2013

Perusahaan Yang bergerak dibidang Kontraktor Mechanical Electrical and General Supplier. Saat ini membutuhkan tenaga profesional dibidang Administrasi Accounting/Keuangan.


-Wanita, Usia Max. 30th
-Pendidikan Min D3-S1, Jurusan Ekonomi Akuntansi
-Pengalaman di bidangnya lebih diutamakan
-Menguasai Microsoft Office dan Program Akuntansi
-Menyusun laporan, control data, analisa data
-Memiliki motivasi kerja & dedikasi tinggi
-Mampu bekerja dalam team & mandiri
-Komunikatif, disiplin dan kreatif

How To Apply:
Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung No. 100, Lenteng Agung - Jakarta Selatan 12610
Contact Person: 021-78831956/78830584 (Wieke)
Email :


No.11JL STM Walang Jaya
Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta
Email :

Working Experience
Period         : 2011
Post            : Casir of Es Teler77
Place           : Es Teler 77 – ITC Cempaka Mas

Education Background
2006 – 2008 : Junior high school at SMPN 121, Jakarta
2008 – 2010 : Senior high school at SMAN 110, Jakarta
2010 – 2014 : Lecture Accounting at Gunadarma University, Graduated with cumulative average of : 3,4

program to control the accounting for financial statements
and make it easier for corporate decision making .

- Mastering Microsoft Office and Accounting Program
-Prepare reports, control of data, data analysis
-Have a high motivation to work & dedication
-Ability to work in a team and independently
-Communicative, disciplined and creative

Mrs Wieke
Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung No. 100, Lenteng Agung

Jakarta Selatan 12610
Contact Person: 021-78831956/78830584 
Supervisor Administrasi & Keuangan

·                     Application  Letter

Application  Letter
Jakarta , April 28, 2013

To : Supervisor Administrasi Accounting

Jl. Raya Lenteng Agung No. 100, Lenteng Agung

Jakarta Selatan 12610

Dear Sir/Madam,

Thank you for posting your need for accounting staff on, I am available to fill this opening and can begin work immediately after hiring.

I recently obtained my Degree from Gunadarma University. As a graduate in Accountancy, I have acquainted myself with a range of skills that would  allow me to blend with your firm.

From your advertisement, I can see that you are looking for candidates who have excellent computer skills. I have already demonstrated those skills as I was involve computer works such as in Microsoft Office and Accounting Program, Prepare reports, control of data, data analysis.

I have attached my resume for your review and this should give you some idea of my educational qualifications and experience.  However, I look forward to an opportunity to meet with you and further discuss my qualifications.

I enclose my CV for your inspection and look forward to hearing from you soon. I am available for interview.

Sincerely yours,

Mayang Veva Dewayani